The Mask

The Mask

Surgical masks today have been thrown into the middle of an unexplained and unnecessary controversy. It has become a material symbol of the division created by this controversy.

Recently, I was discussing the issue with a dear friend who works in the hospitality industry. On a daily basis she is exposed to travelers from all over the country. She exclaimed that she was unwilling to wear a mask because, “It is a threat to my freedom! But I am willing to take risk; the same risk I take daily when I get into my truck and drive.” She has come to terms with the risk, even if it means her life. She added, “My family is also at peace with my position on this.”
Thinking about it, I realized that we take a risk each time we enter our cars. But we would not do so without the protections of brakes, windshields, seat belts, and the like. My friend was choosing to drive without a windshield, so to speak. How did we get here?
I believe it began with a disinformation campaign launched by CDC, and propagated by media outlets, culminating with the Administration’s eagerness to open the economy on the basis that the virus was under control. That the wearing masks will undercut such a message.

The initial information coming from the COVID task force was, the mask was not recommended for the general citizens… unless you are coughing. In which case it protects others from you but it doesn’t protect you from others.
I’d like to point out some simple facts. I went to Medical school some 30 years ago. The surgical mask has been around since the 1960’s, clearly predating COVID-19. How was the mask utilized before COVD-19?
When a patient has a certain condition, such as Influenza A&B, Meningitis, Herpes Zoster, we do not enter the room barefaced. Why? Because a distinction is made between the person who is sick and the one who needs to be protected from their illness. So, I always wear a mask to protect me from the sick patient.
At the early stage of the pandemic how could the CDC be so sure of their recommendation for the general public to not wear masks when we saw in China, Taiwan, Japan, and other countries, close to where all this started, on television, everyone out in public was wearing masks?

To further highlight the usage of the surgical masks pre-COVID-19, we in healthcare wear masks, in other instances, so that a chemotherapy patient with a weakened immune system, is protected from us. Clearly then, the surgical masks protect me from you and you from me!
Why then did the authorities sell us such a message as this and we healthcare professionals parroted along with them? The answer is very simple, America was caught off guard by this pandemic. We did not have enough masks and telling the truth about this would have caused the provision of masks to suffer the same fate of the toilet paper debacle, causing people to rush and hoard so that there would be none for healthcare, frontline workers. Those in authority did not honestly communicate with the American people, however many saw through this deliberate misinformation campaign. Dishonesty always carries with it a negative outcome, no matter how noble the motives or intentions.

Once supplies were catching up the narrative changed, but without any admissions. It was made to look as if new data was behind the change of recommending mask usage. By this time the President was eager to see the country open up and to do so it was necessary to project control and calm. The Mask is a visible contradictory symbol to his message so he refused to wear it.

It is important to note that, to a certain segment of our country the president is the best commander in chief since George Washington, and his words, gospel truth. Consequently, they do and defend what he says and does. Therefore, to wear the mask, for them, is to act in opposition to the president.
While I am talking exclusively about the surgical mask, the sudden shift in recommendation to wear a cloth mask has baffled me. I can only say, this should have come much earlier, and that everyone should be using masks when outside their homes until the pandemic is declared over.

The Pandemic is a Biological and Medical crisis. Opinion on the subject should be deferred to healthcare professionals. When politicians practice medicine they do so without medical training or a license.

In an illness that could mean life or death,Why would you gamble your life on the basis of an armature opinion, from individuals who does not have the know how of and will not be able to treat you if you were ill at the verge of death? Will doing so not be like a billionaire business person seeking financial advise from a poor individual who never studied economics nor ran a business?

Should such not come from experts and professionals? In this case, the same that will treat you if you get sick?

At the end of the day, the real tragedy is that when politicians meddle in the medical practice, it culminated into the death of the Mask for a huge segment of our nation.Leaving millions to brace the Pandemic barefaced and worse up and about.

With increased barefaced out there, I urge you to protect yourself and others by wearing a mask each time. Remember even if you contract the virus and don’t die from it, you very well may spread it; and those who catch it from you very well may die as a result. Some of these may be dear friends and loved ones. Please wear masks and save a life. That life could be your own.

For the people of faith

For the people of faith

As a Christian physician, I would like to share some thoughts with you. A close, childhood friend of mine, who is also a man of faith, called me the other day concerning the Coronavirus. He said, “God will take care of me.” My response to my friend was something like this:
“God is not going to do for you what He has already revealed to mankind, and what you can do for yourself. Yes, there are times He miraculously intervenes, in His mercy. But these are the exception, not the rule. There are things for which he has equipped you to do for yourself. God has enlightened us on many things through human discovery, scientific experiment, and the like. All these are knowable; and if you neglect to put these into practice the results of your neglect will rest with you. Please don’t choose to ignore what has been revealed and given to us.”

I believe it is important to understand this issue of faith. The Bible teaches that, “faith without works [or, our action] is dead” (James 2:26). We shouldn’t expect miracles when action on our part is possible. Someone once said that while God feeds the sparrows, “He does not drop food into their bills, but He makes provision for their needs.” In the same way, God expects us to use the minds and hands He created us with. When we take an imperfect actions of faith, it gives him the excuses to jump in to perfect our actions.For you see, he has given us the free wills to choose but stand eager to guide, protect and save. The actions of faith in keeping with His prescribed wills are the key to these blessings we seek.

True faith doesn’t act presumptuously. True faith drives us to action! Fire doesn’t come from a match until you strike it! The Red Sea did not part for Moses until he lifted up the rod God put in his hand.

Also, emotions and feelings do not equate to faith. Conviction stemming from a personal  knowledge of God leads a person to trust God unconditionally. This is faith! And faith trust the direction God is leading in the persons life, no matter the outcome. There are numerous examples of this in the Bible. Like those childhood Biblical stories we are familiar with: David and Goliath, Daniel in the lion’s den, the three Hebrew boys and the fiery furnace… Each was able to trust God no matter the trial and outcomes because they knew Him. And knowing Him lead them to put their faith into action, trusting the results with God.The children of God should not worry about outcomes but rather seeking and following Gods ways,He is in charge of the destinations for situations  with which we trust Him. This is what keep fears and anxieties abbey because we know God is in charge when you are under His wings by Following his revealed directives.

Therefore, inaction is not faith. Neither is inattention to the necessary precautions to prevent the Coronavirus from infecting you. What can you do?

·         If you are experiencing any of these symptom:Diarrhea, loss of smell or taste, Headaches, muscle aches, fevers or shortness breath, fatigue or flu like symptoms, call your doctor. Get tested, let love ones know so someone can keep an eye on you.
·         Go to the hospital when your symptoms are worsening particularly after day 6 of symptom onset.
·         6 feet: The COVID-19 virus spreads through droplets. They can move 6 feet before gravity brings them to earth. Stay 6 feet away from people if you need to go outside.
·         Meticulous hand washing: Wash thoroughly and wash often. Alcohol-based hand sanitizer works well if your hands are otherwise clean.  Soap and water breaks up the Virus just as Soap disrupts grease on your hands
·         Do not touch your face.It is unnatural not to. Practice makes permanent.
·         Clean doorknobs, toilets, cellphones, countertops, refrigerator handles and so on many times each day. The virus could live on certain surfaces for 4–72 hours.
Do not go out in public without masks it protect you and others.
·         Use Video conferencing for meetings and for staying in touch with friends and families, check on each other daily.No one should be dying in the house from this virus.
·         No tournaments, no sports events, no soccer, baseball, dance, volleyball, softball, gymnastics, concerts, martial arts, funerals gathering beyond stipulated by your local or state health departments
·         Cancel and avoid vacation travels, specially air travels.
·         Cancel weddings/ Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, birthday parties and so on. Help other people live so they can celebrate future events too.
·         If you are over 60 years old you should stay home. You should only go out if there is a critical need.
If you have diabetes, High blood pressures,Lung and heart disease,Cancers and immune diseases, stay at home and avoid crowds t include church services.
·         If you have parents/grandparents in a nursing home, follow your local and state laws concerning visitations.
·         Do not congregate in a restaurant, bar, etc. this is about the lives of others, you will save
·         If you feel sick stay home. It doesn’t matter if you don’t feel too sick. Going to work will put countless other people at risk of suffering or dying. You may not die from the virus but you will become a living and moving biological weapon, a death agent for those with weak immunity! Don’t spread death.
·         Cancel all business travel. Your life and the lives of others are more important.
·         Eat well. Be sure to get your vegetables, berries and plums, garlic, and take vitamins D & C. Eat “REAL” food, defined as “Natural, whole and unprocessed”. Avoid sugars and sugary drinks, Avoid anything “artificial”in it. Eat fruits, don’t drink fruits.

These suggestions are ways in which God is going to keep you safe, God is not going to wash your hands, or eat healthfully for you. God is not going to lock you up in your room when you are sick in order to keep you from infecting others.

Creating us in His own image (Genesis 1:26), God has given us incredible minds. Minds that can reason from cause to effect. Minds that are designed to think, create and do act and react to the world around us. As His children it is our privilege to respond to His parental love and leading. While God is there to pick us up when we fall, it is not His desire to weaken our faith, like an over-indulgent parent does by continually saving their child from the consequences of their poor choices. If God were to perform a miracle every time you and I made a poor choice we would become spiritual weaklings. The greatest miracle in our lives has already been performed. Life itself is the greatest miracle! So, let us exercise our faith today by cooperating with God where our health is concerned.